Can you modernize your bedroom furniture Decor, while still keeping it classic

Can you modernize your bedroom furniture Decor, while still keeping it classic

Are you happy with your furniture for your bedroom? Do you feel that it's going to last ten years, but see that the colors are becoming faded or the decor is less than satisfactory with the modern world? How do you modernize your bedroom furniture and furniture in your home so that it will bring you into the modern era without doing away with all of your classic objects? Here are a few places you can start to maintain your personal style but also make your home appear more contemporary.
Start Small.
Don't ditch your furniture or knock out walls. Start with small changes. As an example, you can update a room by simply adding a few accents such as throwing rugs to add the room to life with a splash of color filled with earthy tones. Pastels and earth tones are classic colors and adding a splash of bright greens, reds, golds and blues will refresh the area without getting rid of the style of furniture. To bring the room together make sure you add throw pillows so that the color is carried over onto the bed or couch (depending on the space).
Stop thinking big.
The term "classic" doesn't need to refer to huge and massive furniture, and it doesn't need to be expensive antiques. Find a modern furniture store and select something that looks like the old Victorian bed your grandmother had however it is smaller in terms of size. Rememberthat the early creators of the classical furniture used to have larger spaces than the ones you'll see in the modern home and attempting to squeeze furniture this large into one room can cause it to feel cramped, or might be difficult to maneuver into. Additionally, faux antiques can look real, but they don't cost a great deal of cash.
Seek out the Design.
Instead of searching for furniture that matches the design you are drawn to Instead, you should focus on what you like about that style that appeals to you. In other words, do enjoy your classic sofa and loveseat because of the size of the units, or is it what the design is on the fabric? Perhaps you like the material in itself, or the intricate design on the wooden arms of the sofa. Whatever you love you will most likely discover that element incorporated in a modern style. You can do the same in the case of window dressings or kitchen hardware as well as restroom accessories.
Learn to compromise.
You might not find what you're looking to find while shopping for new decor or furniture because you've got the notion in your mind that you need to have a certain color or style. If you find something pleasant with a different shade the style, it can be an excellent addition. If you want to make a change, you can always refinish the furniture , or sand and restore any wooden item. If you're not able to find furniture , you could quickly find other furniture pieces to update your room but without losing your timeless design.